Saturday, July 15, 2006

Magnolia (1999)

My friend Dan, also a film buff, was really excited that I was finally getting around to seeing "Magnolia," and now I understand why. Since the film has been around for a while some of you may have lost your appreciation for it that I am fresh from developing for myself, so excuse me while I gush about this movie for a few paragraphs.

"Magnolia" is one of the rare modern movies that really takes advantage of the medium of film. What I mean by this is it takes a scenario that could in no way be conveyed in any other form. It's something you don't see very often now days. For someone, like myself, that has really become jaded with a slew of the same thing over and over recently, it reignites that love for movies that drives us to watch them in the first place.

It doesn't try to conform to typical Hollywood conventions, yet it isn't so out there that an open minded person can't really appreciate what it attempts and accomplishes with flying colors. The editing is tight and never leaves you dwelling for too long on a particular character in, what is essentially, and ensemble cast movie. The narrative instantly sucks you in and doesn't let go until the credits start to roll. This is not an easy feat considering it's imposing length (170 minutes) and the fact it isn't an action film but rather a melodrama.

There are those that won't like it, but that's to be expected from every movie. But this unique and perfectly executed film is a breath of fresh air, even 7 years after its release, and will surely please any competent movie-goer on some cinematic level. I can see why this is often ranked among the top films from the last decade.

Grade = A


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