This game may be the best rhythm game of this generation. Where DDR first broke ground,
Guitar Hero nearly perfects the art of hitting buttons in rhythm for points. The twist is the buttons are on a custom guitar-shaped controller and the rhythm is to about 60 quality rock and roll tunes from the past 30 some years.
There are few games as instantly satisfying as this one. After getting the basics down you'll be ripping insanely fast solos, filling bridges, and hitting chords to pump up the crowd there to see you.

The gameplay and sound are unparalleled. As for the graphics there surprisingly good for a rhythm game. Behind your scrolling fret bar you can see your rocking avatar jamming on stage. The camera moves around the arena, just like at real concerts, to show the crowd, long shots of the stage, even a drummer in the back occasionally.
If you want to nitpick you could say the title lacks from more AAA titles. Noticeably absent are bands like AC/DC, Guns-n-Roses, Metallica, and Van Halen. Something to look forward to in
Guitar Hero 2, if this game is successful. And because this game doesn't have the original lead singers for the bands they do have there are noticeable differences in some of the more distinct voices, like Freddy Mercury or Dave Mustane. But these are miniscule complaints in the shadow of a nearly flawless game.

Video games offer experiences that we cannot normally have in real life. Those experiences range from riding dragons, to doing mob hits, to stacking blocks in straight lines. Now add to that feeling like a total musical god while rocking harder during gameplay than you ever have before.
Grade = A